/** * Do not edit this file. Any changes will be overwritten by the gamedata * updater or by upgrading your AMX Mod X install. * * To override data in this file, create a subdirectory named "custom" and * place your own gamedata file(s) inside of it. Such files will be parsed * after AMXX's own. * * For more information, see http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Gamedata_Updating_(AMX_Mod_X) */ "Games" { "#default" { "Classes" { "CBaseMonster" { "Offsets" { "m_afConditions" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "252" "linux" "272" "mac" "272" } "m_hEnemy" // EHANDLE { "type" "ehandle" "windows" "256" "linux" "276" "mac" "276" } "m_hTargetEnt" // EHANDLE { "type" "ehandle" "windows" "264" "linux" "284" "mac" "284" } "m_hOldEnemy" // EHANDLE[4] { "type" "ehandle" "size" "4" "windows" "272" "linux" "292" "mac" "292" } "m_vecOldEnemy" // Vector[4] { "type" "vector" "size" "4" "windows" "304" "linux" "324" "mac" "324" } "m_flFieldOfView" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "352" "linux" "372" "mac" "372" } "m_flWaitFinished" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "356" "linux" "376" "mac" "376" } "m_flMoveWaitFinished" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "360" "linux" "380" "mac" "380" } "m_Activity" // Activity { "type" "integer" "windows" "364" "linux" "384" "mac" "384" } "m_IdealActivity" // Activity { "type" "integer" "windows" "368" "linux" "388" "mac" "388" } "m_LastHitGroup" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "372" "linux" "392" "mac" "392" } "m_MonsterState" // MONSTERSTATE { "type" "integer" "windows" "376" "linux" "396" "mac" "396" } "m_IdealMonsterState" // MONSTERSTATE { "type" "integer" "windows" "380" "linux" "400" "mac" "400" } "m_iTaskStatus" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "384" "linux" "404" "mac" "404" } "m_pSchedule" // class Schedule_t* { "type" "pointer" "windows" "388" "linux" "408" "mac" "408" } "m_iScheduleIndex" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "392" "linux" "412" "mac" "412" } "m_Route" // struct WayPoint_t[8] { "type" "structure" "size" "8" "windows" "396" "linux" "416" "mac" "416" } "m_movementGoal" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "524" "linux" "544" "mac" "544" } "m_iRouteIndex" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "528" "linux" "548" "mac" "548" } "m_moveWaitTime" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "532" "linux" "552" "mac" "552" } "m_vecMoveGoal" // Vector { "type" "vector" "windows" "536" "linux" "556" "mac" "556" } "m_movementActivity" // Activity { "type" "integer" "windows" "548" "linux" "568" "mac" "568" } "m_iAudibleList" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "552" "linux" "572" "mac" "572" } "m_afSoundTypes" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "556" "linux" "576" "mac" "576" } "m_vecLastPosition" // Vector { "type" "vector" "windows" "560" "linux" "580" "mac" "580" } "m_iHintNode" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "572" "linux" "592" "mac" "592" } "m_afMemory" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "576" "linux" "596" "mac" "596" } "m_iMaxHealth" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "580" "linux" "600" "mac" "600" } "m_vecEnemyLKP" // Vector { "type" "vector" "windows" "584" "linux" "604" "mac" "604" } "m_cAmmoLoaded" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "596" "linux" "616" "mac" "616" } "m_afCapability" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "600" "linux" "620" "mac" "620" } "m_flNextAttack" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "604" "linux" "624" "mac" "624" } "m_bitsDamageType" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "608" "linux" "628" "mac" "628" } "m_rgbTimeBasedDamage" // unsigned char[8] { "type" "character" "size" "8" "unsigned" "1" "windows" "612" "linux" "632" "mac" "632" } "m_lastDamageAmount" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "620" "linux" "640" "mac" "640" } "m_bloodColor" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "624" "linux" "644" "mac" "644" } "m_failSchedule" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "628" "linux" "648" "mac" "648" } "m_flHungryTime" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "632" "linux" "652" "mac" "652" } "m_flDistTooFar" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "636" "linux" "656" "mac" "656" } "m_flDistLook" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "640" "linux" "660" "mac" "660" } "m_iTriggerCondition" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "644" "linux" "664" "mac" "664" } "m_iszTriggerTarget" // string_t { "type" "stringint" "windows" "648" "linux" "668" "mac" "668" } "m_HackedGunPos" // Vector { "type" "vector" "windows" "652" "linux" "672" "mac" "672" } "m_scriptState" // SCRIPTSTATE { "type" "integer" "windows" "664" "linux" "684" "mac" "684" } "m_pCine" // CCineMonster* { "type" "classptr" "windows" "668" "linux" "688" "mac" "688" } "m_flShockDuration" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "672" "linux" "692" "mac" "692" } "m_flShockTime" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "676" "linux" "696" "mac" "696" } "m_iOldRenderMode" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "680" "linux" "700" "mac" "700" } "m_iOldRenderFX" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "684" "linux" "704" "mac" "704" } "m_OldRenderColor" // Vector { "type" "vector" "windows" "688" "linux" "708" "mac" "708" } "m_flOldRenderAmt" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "700" "linux" "720" "mac" "720" } "m_fShockEffect" // BOOL { "type" "integer" "windows" "704" "linux" "724" "mac" "724" } "m_flLastYawTime" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "708" "linux" "728" "mac" "728" } } } } } } /** * Class Hierarchy * - * CBaseEntity * CBaseDelay * CBaseAnimating * CBaseToggle * CBaseMonster */