[en] AMX_SUPER_TEAM_IMMUNITY = [AMXX] Skipping ^"%s^" because player has immunity. AMX_SUPER_NO_PLAYERS = [AMXX] No players in such team! AMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER = [AMXX] Amount to give must be greater than zero! AMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s gave %d HP to %s players AMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave %d HP to %s players AMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s gave %d HP to %s AMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave %d HP to %s AMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] HEAL: ^"%s<%s>^" gave %d HP to ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] HEAL: ^"%s<%s>^" gave %d HP to ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Gave %d HP to %s players AMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Gave %d HP to %s AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s gave %d armor to %s players AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave %d armor to %s players AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s gave %d armor to %s AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave %d armor to %s AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] ARMOR: ^"%s<%s>^" gave %d armor to ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] ARMOR: ^"%s<%s>^" gave %d armor ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Gave %d armor to %s players AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Gave %d armor to %s AMX_SUPER_STACK_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s stacked all players on %s AMX_SUPER_STACK_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN stacked all players on %s AMX_SUPER_STACK_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] STACK: ^"%s<%s>^" stacked all players on ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_STACK_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Stacked all players on %s AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_STATUS = [AMXX] sv_alltalk is ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_SET_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set sv_alltalk to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_SET_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set sv_alltalk to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_LOG = [AMX_Super] ALLTALK: ^"%s<%s>^" set sv_alltalk to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_MSG = [AMXX] Alltalk has been set to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_STATUS = [AMXX] sv_gravity is ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_SET_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set gravity to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_SET_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set gravity to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_LOG = [AMX_Super] GRAVITY: ^"%s<%s>^" set sv_gravity to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_MSG = [AMXX] Gravity has been set to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_CHECK = [AMXX] The gravity is set at %i AMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has buried %s players AMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has buried %s players AMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has buried %s AMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has buried %s AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has unburied %s players AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has unburied %s players AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has unburied %s AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has unburied %s AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] UNBURY: ^"%s<%s>^" has unburied ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] UNBURY: ^"%s<%s>^" has unburied ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] BURY: ^"%s<%s>^" has buried ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] BURY: ^"%s<%s>^" has buried ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_BURY_MSG = [AMXX] Player %s has been buried AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_MSG = [AMXX] Player %s has been unburied AMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has disarmed %s players AMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has disarmed %s players AMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has disarmed %s AMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has disarmed %s AMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] DISARM: ^"%s<%s>^" has disarmed ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] DISARM: ^"%s<%s>^" has disarmed ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_DISARM_MSG = [AMXX] Player %s has been disarmed AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s slayed %s players AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN slayed %s players AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s slayed %s AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN slayed %s AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] SLAY2: ^"%s<%s>^" slayed ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] SLAY2: ^"%s<%s>^" slayed ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Slayed %s players AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Slayed %s AMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set %s on fire. AMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set %s on fire. AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] FIRE: ^"%s<%s>^" set fire to ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] FIRE: ^"%s<%s>^" set fire to ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Set %s players on fire AMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Set %s on fire AMX_SUPER_FIRE_SPREAD = * [AMXX] OH! NO! %s has caught %s on fire! AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s made rockets out of %s players AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN made rockets out of %s players AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s made a rocket out of %s AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN made a rocket out of %s AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] ROCKET: ^"%s<%s>^" made rockets out of ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] ROCKET: ^"%s<%s>^" made a rocket out of ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Made rockets out of %s players AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Made a rocket out of %s AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s uberslapped %s AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN uberslapped %s AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Uberslapped %s AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] UBERSLAP: ^"%s<%s>^" uberslapped ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_EXEC_ALL_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s used command ^"%s^" on everyone AMX_SUPER_EXEC_ALL_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN used command ^"%s^" on everyone AMX_SUPER_EXEC_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s used command ^"%s^" on all %s players AMX_SUPER_EXEC_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN used command ^"%s^" on all %s players AMX_SUPER_EXEC_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s used command ^"%s^" on %s! AMX_SUPER_EXEC_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN used command ^"%s^" on %s! AMX_SUPER_EXEC_ALL_LOG = [AMX_Super] EXEC: ^"%s<%s>^" execed ^"%s^" on all players AMX_SUPER_EXEC_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] EXEC: ^"%s<%s>^" execed ^"%s^" on all %s players AMX_SUPER_EXEC_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] EXEC: ^"%s<%s>^" execed ^"%s^" on ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_SET_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has set a server password AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_SET_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has set a server password AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_REMOVE_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has removed the server password AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_REMOVE_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has removed the server password AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_SET_LOG = [AMX_Super] PASSWORD: ^"%s<%s>^" set the server password to ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_REMOVE_LOG = [AMX_Super] PASSWORD: ^"%s<%s>^" removed the server password AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s revived %s players AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN revived %s players AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has revived %s AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN has revived %s AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] REVIVE: ^"%s<%s>^" revived ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] REVIVE: ^"%s<%s>^" revived ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Revived %s players AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Revived %s AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_HUD = %s players have been revived! AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_HUD = %s has been revived! AMX_SUPER_QUIT_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s made %s players quit the game AMX_SUPER_QUIT_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN made %s players quit the game AMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s made %s quit the game AMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN made %s quit the game AMX_SUPER_QUIT_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] QUIT: ^"%s<%s>^" has made ^"%s^" players quit the game AMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] QUIT: ^"%s<%s>^" has made ^"%s<%s>^" quit the game AMX_SUPER_GAG_CONNECTED = [AMXX] Gagged player connected ( %s ). AMX_SUPER_PLAYER_GAGGED = * You have been gagged AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_DISCONNECT = [AMXX] Gagged player has disconnected: ( %s <%s> ) AMX_SUPER_PLAYER_NAMELOCK = * Gagged players cannot change their name AMX_SUPER_NOT_GAGGED = [AMXX] %s is not gagged & cannot be ungagged. AMX_SUPER_GAG_END = [AMXX] %s is no longer gagged AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_REASON_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Has Gagged %s From Speaking For: %s ( %s ) AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_REASON_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Has Gagged %s From Speaking For: %s ( %s ) AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Has Gagged %s From Speaking ( %s ) AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: Has Gagged %s From Speaking ( %s ) AMX_SUPER_UNGAG_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: Has Ungagged %s AMX_SUPER_UNGAG_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Has Ungagged %s AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_REASON_LOG = [AMX_Super] Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" Has Gagged %s <%s> for %d ( %d ) Reason: %s AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" Has Gagged %s <%s> for %d ( %d ) AMX_SUPER_UNGAG_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" Has Ungagged %s<%s> AMX_SUPER_GAG_REASON = [AMXX] * You are Gagged For The Following Reason: %s AMX_SUPER_GAG_RULES = [AMXX] You Were Gagged For Not Following The Rules AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s gave a weapon to %s players AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave a weapon to %s players AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s gave a weapon to %s AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave a weapon to %s AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] WEAPON: ^"%s<%s>^" gave the weapon ^"%d^" to ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] WEAPON: ^"%s<%s>^" gave the weapon ^"%d^" to ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Gave the weapon %d to %s players AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Gave the weapon %d to %s AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set noclip ^"%d^" on %s players AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set noclip ^"%d^" on %s players AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set noclip ^"%d^" on %s AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set noclip ^"%d^" on %s AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] NOCLIP: ^"%s<%s>^" set noclip ^"%d^" on ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] NOCLIP: ^"%s<%s>^" set noclip ^"%d^" on ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Set noclip ^"%d^" on %s players AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Set noclip ^"%d^" on %s AMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s flashbanged %s players AMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN flashbanged %s players AMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s flashbanged %s AMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN flashbanged %s AMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] FLASH: ^"%s<%s>^" flashbanged ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] FLASH: ^"%s<%s>^" flashbanged ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Flashbanged %s players AMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Flashbanged %s AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set godmode ^"%d^" on %s players AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set godmode ^"%d^" on %s players AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set godmode ^"%d^" on %s AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set godmode ^"%d^" on %s AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] GODMODE: ^"%s<%s>^" set godmode ^"%d^" on ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] GODMODE: ^"%s<%s>^" set godmode ^"%d^" on ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Set godmode ^"%d^" on %s players AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Set godmode ^"%d^" on %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s gave $%i to %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave $%i to %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Gave $%i to %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] GIVE MONEY: ^"%s<%s>^" gave $%i to ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_ALL_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s took all money from %s AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_ALL_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN took all money from %s AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s took $%i from %s AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN took $%i from %s AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] TAKE MONEY: ^"%s<%s>^" took $%i from ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_ALL_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] TAKE MONEY: ^"%s<%s>^" took all money from ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Took $%i from %s AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_ALL_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Took all money from %s AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set glowing on %s players AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set glowing on %s players AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set glowing on %s AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set glowing on %s AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] GLOW: ^"%s<%s>^" set glowing on ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] GLOW: ^"%s<%s>^" set glowing on ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Set glowing on %s players AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Set glowing on %s AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s removed glowing on %s players AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN removed glowing on %s players AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s removed glowing on %s AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN removed glowing on %s AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] UNGLOW: ^"%s<%s>^" removed glowing on ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] UNGLOW: ^"%s<%s>^" removed glowing on ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Removed glowing on %s players AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Removed glowing on %s AMX_SUPER_TEAM_INVALID = [AMXX] Invalid team specified! Valid teams are: T, CT, Auto, Spec AMX_SUPER_TEAM_UNLOCKED = [AMXX] The %s team is not locked! AMX_SUPER_TEAM_UNLOCK_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Unlocked the %s team AMX_SUPER_TEAM_UNLOCK_CONSOLE = [AMXX] You Unlocked the %s team AMX_SUPER_TEAM_UNLOCK_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Unlocked the %s team AMX_SUPER_TEAM_LOCK_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Locked the %s team AMX_SUPER_TEAM_LOCK_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Locked the %s team AMX_SUPER_TEAM_LOCKED = [AMXX] The %s team is already locked! AMX_SUPER_TEAM_LOCK_CONSOLE = [AMXX] You Locked the %s team AMX_SUPER_UNLOCK_TEAMS_LOG = [AMX_Super] TEAMLOCKER: ^"%s<%s>^" unlocked the ^"%s^" team AMX_SUPER_LOCK_TEAMS_LOG = [AMX_Super] TEAMLOCKER: ^"%s<%s>^" locked the ^"%s^" team AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s teleported %s AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN teleported %s AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Teleported %s to %d x, %d y, %d z AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_ORIGIN_SAVED = [AMXX] Saved origin %d x, %d y, %d z from %s AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] TELEPORT: ^"%s<%s>^" teleported ^"%s<%s>^" to %d x, %d y, %d z AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Successfully transfered %s to the %s team AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Successfully transfered %s to the %s team AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_TEAM = [AMXX] You have been transfered to the %s team AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] TEAMTRANSFER: ^"%s<%s>^" transfered ^"%s^" to the ^"%s^" team AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_CONSOLE = [AMXX] You have Successfully transfered %s to the %s team AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_SUCCESS_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Successfully swapped %s with %s AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_SUCCESS_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Successfully swapped %s with %s AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_TEAM_SUCCESS_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Successfully swapped the teams! AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_TEAM_SUCCESS_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Successfully swapped the teams! AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_TEAM_MESSAGE = [AMXX] You have swapped the Teams AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_CONSOLE = [AMXX] Successfully swapped %s with %s AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_ERROR_CASE1 = [AMXX] You can't swap players that are on the same team! AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_ERROR_CASE2 = [AMXX] You can't swap players that are not in a team! AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_MESSAGE1 = [AMXX] You have been swapped with %s AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_MESSAGE2 = [AMXX] You have been swapped with %s AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] TEAMTRANSFER: ^"%s<%s>^" swapped teams AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_LOG = [AMX_Super] TEAMTRANSFER: ^"%s<%s>^" swapped ^"%s^" with ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Set Unlimited ammo on %s to ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Set Unlimited ammo on %s to ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] ADMIN Set Unlimited ammo on %s to ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] AMMO: ADMIN ^"%s<%s>^" Set Unlimited ammo on ^"%s^" to ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_AMMO_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Set Unlimited ammo on all %s to ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_AMMO_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Set Unlimited ammo on all %s to ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_AMMO_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] ADMIN Set Unlimited ammo on all %s to ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_AMMO_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] AMMO: ADMIN ^"%s<%s>^" set unlimited ammo on all ^"%s^" to ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_CANNOT_EXTEND = [AMXX] You cannot extend the maptime by a negative number. AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_SUCCESS_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s has extended the map time by %i minutes AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_SUCCESS_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN as extended the map time by %i minutes AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_EXTENDTIME = [AMXX] No map may be extended longer than %i minutes at a time. AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_EXTENDMAX = [AMXX] No user may extend any map more than %i times. AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_BAD_NUMBER = [AMXX] Maps that are not in the mapcycle cannot be extended. AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_NOMAPCYCLE = [AMXX] Maps that are not in the mapcycle cannot be extended. AMX_SUPER_SPAWN_PROTECTION_BADTIME = [AMXX] You have to set the Spawn Protection time between 1 and 10 seconds AMX_SUPER_SPAWN_PROTECTION_TIME_SET = [AMXX] You have set the Spawn Protection time to %d second(s) AMX_SUPER_SPAWN_PROTECTION_BADSHELL = [AMXX] You have to set the Glow Shellthickness between 1 and 100 AMX_SUPER_SPAWN_PROTECTION_SHELL_SET = [AMXX] You have set the Glow Shellthickness to %d AMX_SUPER_SPAWN_PROTECTION_GLOW_ON = [AMXX] You have set the Glow to ON AMX_SUPER_SPAWN_PROTECTION_GLOW_OFF = [AMXX] You have set the Glow to OFF AMX_SUPER_SPAWN_PROTECTION_MESSAGE = [AMXX] Spawn Protection is enabled for %d second(s) AMX_SUPER_VOCOM_NO_ACCESS = [ADMIN VOCOM]: You have no access to this command. AMX_SUPER_VOCOM_SPEAKING1 = [ADMIN VOCOM]: %s is speaking to the other admins. AMX_SUPER_VOCOM_SPEAKING2 = [ADMIN VOCOM]: You are speaking to the admins. AMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN, %s, gave drugs to %s. AMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave drugs to %s. AMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN , %s, gave drugs to %s. AMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave drugs to %s. AMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] %s ( %s ) gave drugs to %s. AMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] %s ( %s ) gave drugs to %s ( %s ). AMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Gave drugs to %s. AMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Gave drugs to %s. AMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN, %s turned %s speed for %s. AMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN turned %s speed for %s. AMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN, %s turned %s speed for %s. AMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN turned %s speed for %s. AMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] %s ( %s ) set speed for %s AMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] %s ( %s ) set speed for %s ( %s ) AMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Set speed %s for %s. AMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] Set speed %s for %s. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_KILLED = [AMXX] %s was banned for getting a kill while affected by bad aim. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_CONSOLE = amx_badaim : Turn on/off bad aim on a player. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_NO_BADAIM = [AMXX] %s does not have bad aim...from this plugin at least. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_UNDO = [AMXX] %s's aim is back to normal...whatever that is. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_CURRENT = [AMXX] %s already has bad aim. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_WORSE = [AMXX] %s already had bad aim but now its worse! AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_BADTIME = Time cannot be negative, unless you're talking about imaginary time. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_MESSAGE1 = [AMXX] %s already has bad aim, but now it will turn off automatically in %d seconds. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_MESSAGE2 = [AMXX] %s has been given bad aim for %d seconds. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_BAN = [AMXX] A timed bad aim cannot be saved. However, the bad aim will still be executed. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_NO_BADAIM_MESSAGE = [AMXX] %s no longer has bad aim. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_NO_BADAIM_MESSAGE_CONSOLE = %s no longer has bad aim. AMX_SUPER_BADAIM_LOG = [AMX_Super] %s (%s) %s badaim on %s. AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s set %s players on fire AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN set %s players on fire AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] FIRE: ^"%s<%s>^" set fire to ^"%s^" players AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s gave $%i to %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN gave $%i to %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] Gave $%i to %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] GIVE MONEY: ^"%s<%s>^" gave $%i to %s AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_OFF_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: turned off glowing on %s players AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_OFF_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN turned off glowing on %s players AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_OFF_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s turned off glowing on %s AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_OFF_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN turned off glowing on %s AMX_SUPER_GLOW_INVALID_COLOR = [AMXX] That color is not valid. Type amx_glowcolors for a list of valid colors. AMX_SUPER_BOMB_TRANSFER = Bomb transferred to ^"%s^"^nsince ^"%s^" is AFK AMX_SUPER_DEADCHAT_MESSAGE = [AMXX] You are dead now, you can chat with the other team via voicecomm. AMX_SUPER_SOUNDFIX = [AMXX] Your sound will no longer echo now. AMX_SUPER_SOUNDFIX_DISABLED = [AMXX] Manual sound fixing is disabled. AMX_SUPER_AFK_SPEC_KICK_CHAT = "[AMXX] %s has been kicked for spectating on the full server" AMX_SUPER_AFK_KICK_CHAT = "[AMXX] %s has been kicked for being AFK on the full server" AMX_SUPER_AFK_TO_SPEC_CHAT = "[AMXX] %s has been transferred to the Spectators for being AFK" AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN: %s server in %i seconds AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s: %s server in %i seconds AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_CONSOLE = You did not supply a valid time (between 1-20 seconds AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE_LOG = [AMX_Super] Cmd: ^"%s<%i><%s>^" initiate %s [cn] AMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 加了 %d HP给 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_CASE1 = 管理员加了 %d HP给 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 给 %s 玩家加了 %d HP AMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员 %s 加了 %d HP AMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_LOG = 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 给 ^"%s^" 加了 %d HP AMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_LOG = 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 加了 %d HP给 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_MSG = 管理员加 %d HP给 %s AMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_MSG = 管理员加 %d HP给 %s AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_CASE2 = 管理员奖励 %d 盔甲给 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_CASE1 = 管理员奖励 %d 盔甲给 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 奖励 %d 盔甲给 %s AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员奖励 %d 盔甲给 %s AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 奖励 %d 盔甲给 ^"%s^" 们 AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 奖励 %d 盔甲给 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_MSG = HowRavE管理员奖励 %d 盔甲给 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_MSG = HowRavE管理员奖励 %d 盔甲给 %s AMX_SUPER_STACK_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 堆积所有玩家至 %s AMX_SUPER_STACK_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 堆积所有玩家至 %s AMX_SUPER_STACK_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 娱乐: ^"%s<%s>^" 堆积所有玩家至 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_STACK_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] 堆积所有玩家至 %s AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_STATUS = 警匪互聊 ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_SET_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 把警匪互聊设置为 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_SET_CASE1 = 管理员把警匪互聊设置为 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_LOG = [AMX_Super] ALLTALK: ^"%s<%s>^" 警匪互聊设置 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_MSG = 警匪互聊设置 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_STATUS = [AMXX] 服务器设置重力为 ^"%d^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_SET_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 设置重力为 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_SET_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员设置重力为 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_LOG = [AMX_Super] 重力设置: ^"%s<%s>^" 设置服务器重力为 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_MSG = [AMXX] 重力已经被设置为 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_CHECK = [AMXX] 重力设置在 %i AMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 埋葬了 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员挖个洞把 %s 埋起来了 AMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 把 %s 埋起来了,大家快拿刀子捅 AMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员埋葬了 %s ,大家快拿刀子捅 AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 取消埋葬 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员取消埋葬 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 取消了埋葬 %s AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员取消了埋葬 %s AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 已解除埋葬 ^"%s^" 玩家 AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 已解除埋葬 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 埋葬 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 埋葬 ^"%s^" 玩家 AMX_SUPER_BURY_MSG = [变态惩罚] 作弊猪 %s 被管理员给埋起来了 AMX_SUPER_UNBURY_MSG = [变态惩罚] 管理员取消埋葬 %s AMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 缴了 %s 们的枪 AMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_CASE1 = 管理员缴了 %s 们的枪 AMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 缴了 %s 的枪 AMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员缴了 %s 的枪 AMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 缴了 ^"%s^" 们的枪 AMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 缴了 ^"%s<%s>^" 的枪 AMX_SUPER_DISARM_MSG = 作弊猪 %s 被管理员缴了枪 AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 处死了 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_CASE1 = 管理员处死了 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 处死了 %s AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员处死了 %s AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 处死了 ^"%s^" 们 AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 处死了 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_MSG = HowRavE管理员处死了 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_MSG = HowRavE管理员处死了 %s AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 在 %s 们的屁股上点了把火 AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员在 %s 们的屁股上点了把火 AMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 在 %s 的屁股上点了把火. AMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员在 %s 的屁股上点了把火. AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 在 ^"%s^" 们的屁股上点了把火 AMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 在 ^"%s<%s>^" 的屁股上点了把火 AMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_MSG = [变态惩罚] 管理员点了一把火在 %s 们的屁股上 AMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_MSG = [变态惩罚] HowRavE管理员点了一把火在 %s 的屁股上 AMX_SUPER_FIRE_SPREAD = * [天灾人祸] 哦呀日咧! %s 怎么把火传到了 %s 的身上! AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 把 %s 们用火箭送上了天 AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_CASE1 = 管理员把 %s 们用火箭送上了天 AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 把 %s 用火箭送上了天 AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员把 %s 用火箭送上了天 AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 把 ^"%s^" 们用火箭送上了天 AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 把 ^"%s<%s>^" 用火箭送上了天 AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_MSG = 管理员用火箭把 %s 们送上了天 AMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_MSG = 管理员用火箭把 %s 送上了天 AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 弹了 %s 们99下小JJ AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员弹了 %s 们99下小JJ AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 弹了 %s 99下小JJ AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员弹了 %s 99下小JJ AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] UBERSLAP: ^"%s<%s>^" uberslapped ^"%s^" ?? AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] UBERSLAP: ^"%s<%s>^" uberslapped ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_MSG = [变态惩罚] HowRavE管理员弹了 %s 们99下小JJ AMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_MSG = [变态惩罚] HowRavE管理员弹了 %s 99下小JJ AMX_SUPER_EXEC_ALL_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 使用了指令 ^"%s^" 至每个人 AMX_SUPER_EXEC_ALL_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 使用了指令 ^"%s^" 至每个人 AMX_SUPER_EXEC_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 使用了指令 ^"%s^" 至 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_EXEC_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 使用了指令 ^"%s^" 至 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_EXEC_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 使用了指令 ^"%s^" 至 %s! AMX_SUPER_EXEC_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 使用了指令 ^"%s^" 至 %s! AMX_SUPER_EXEC_ALL_LOG = [AMX_Super] 指令: ^"%s<%s>^" 在所有玩家身上执行 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_EXEC_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 指令: ^"%s<%s>^" 在所有玩家身上执行 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_EXEC_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 指令: ^"%s<%s>^" 在^"%s<%s>^"身上执行 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_SET_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 已经设置了一个服务端密码 AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_SET_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员已经设置一个服务端密码 AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_REMOVE_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 已经移除了一个服务端密码 AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_REMOVE_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员已经移除了一个服务端密码 AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_SET_LOG = [AMX_Super] 密码: ^"%s<%s>^" 设置 本服服务器密码 为 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_PASSWORD_REMOVE_LOG = [AMX_Super] 密码: ^"%s<%s>^" 已经移除本服务器密码 AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 复苏 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 复苏 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 已经复苏 %s AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 已经复苏 %s AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 复苏: ^"%s<%s>^" 复苏 ^"%s^" 玩家 AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 复苏: ^"%s<%s>^" 复苏 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] 复苏 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] 复苏 %s AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_HUD = %s 玩家已经被复苏! AMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_HUD = %s 已经被复苏! AMX_SUPER_QUIT_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 使 %s 玩家结束游戏 AMX_SUPER_QUIT_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 使 %s 玩家 结束游戏 AMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 使 %s 结束游戏 AMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 使 %s 结束游戏 AMX_SUPER_QUIT_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 结束: ^"%s<%s>^" 已经使 ^"%s^" 玩家结束游戏 AMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 结束: ^"%s<%s>^" 已经使 ^"%s<%s>^" 结束游戏 AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 封禁 %s 发言 %0.分 AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员禁止 %s 发言 %0.分 AMX_SUPER_UNGAG_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 给玩家 %s 解除禁言 AMX_SUPER_UNGAG_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员解除禁言 %s AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 禁言: ^"%s<%s>^" 已经封禁 ^"%s<%s>^" for %d ( %d ) AMX_SUPER_UNGAG_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 解禁: ^"%s<%s>^" 已经解封禁 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_GAG_PLAYER_DISCONNECT = [AMXX] 封禁玩家连接: ( %s <%s> ) AMX_SUPER_PLAYER_GAGGED = * 你已经被封禁 AMX_SUPER_PLAYER_NAMELOCK = * 封禁玩家不能更改他们的名字 AMX_SUPER_NOT_GAGGED = [AMXX] %s 没有被封禁 & 不能被解封 AMX_SUPER_GAG_END = [AMXX] %s 不再被封禁 AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 给了 %s 们一把免费的武器 AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_CASE1 = 管理员给了 %s 们一把免费的武器 AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 给了 %s 一把免费的武器 AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员给了 %s 一把免费的武器 AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_LOG = 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 给了一把 ^"%d^" 给 ^"%s^" 们 AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_LOG = 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 给了一把 ^"%d^" 给 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_MSG = HowRavE管理员发了一把免费的 %d 给 %s 们 AMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_MSG = HowRavE管理员发了一把免费的 %d 给 %s AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 在所有 %s 身上搜走了 ^"%d^" 个弹夹 AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员在所有 %s 身上搜走了 ^"%d^" 个弹夹 AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_CASE2 = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 在玩家 %s 身上搜走了 ^"%d^" 个弹夹 AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_CASE1 = [变态惩罚] 管理员在玩家 %s 身上搜走了 ^"%d^" 个弹夹 AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_LOG = [变态惩罚] 惩罚: ^"%s<%s>^" 在 ^"%s^" 身上搜走了 ^"%d^" 个弹夹 AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_LOG = [变态惩罚] 惩罚: ^"%s<%s>^" 在 ^"%s^" 身上搜走了 ^"%d^" 个弹夹 AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_MSG = [变态惩罚] 管理员 %s 在 %s 身上搜走了 ^"%d^" 个弹夹 AMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_MSG = [变态惩罚] 管理员在 %s 身上搜走了 ^"%d^" 个弹夹 AMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 对 %s 玩家闪光 AMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 对 %s 玩家闪光 AMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 对%s闪光 AMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 对%s闪光 AMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 闪光: ^"%s<%s>^" 对 ^"%s^" 玩家闪光 AMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 闪光: ^"%s<%s>^" 对 ^"%s<%s>^"闪光 AMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] 已经对 %s 玩家进行闪光 AMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] 已经对%s玩家进行闪光 AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 设置上帝模式 ^"%d^" 至 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员设置上帝模式 ^"%d^" 至 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 设置上帝模式 ^"%d^" 至 %s AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员设置上帝模式 ^"%d^" 至 %s AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 上帝模式: ^"%s<%s>^" 设置上帝模式 ^"%d^" 至 ^"%s^" 玩家 AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 上帝模式: ^"%s<%s>^" 设置上帝模式 ^"%d^" 至 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] 设置上帝模式 ^"%d^" 至 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] 设置上帝模式 ^"%d^" 至 %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 发了 %i$ 给 %s AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员发了 %i$ 给 %s AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_ALL_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 扣了 %s 们的所有工资 AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_ALL_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员扣了 %s 们的所有工资 AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_CASE2 = 管理员 %s 扣了 %s 的工资 %i$ AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_CASE1 = 管理员扣了 %s 的工资 %i$ AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 发了 %i$ 工资给 ^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 扣了 ^"%s<%s>^" 工资 %i$ AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_ALL_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 管理员: ^"%s<%s>^" 扣了 ^"%s<%s>^" 所有工资 AMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_MSG = HowRavE管理员奖励 %i$ 给 %s AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_MSG = HowRavE管理员扣除了 %s 工资 %i$ AMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_ALL_PLAYER_MSG = HowRavE管理员 %s 的所有工资 AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_CASE2 = [娱乐光环] 管理员 %s 设置光晕至 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_CASE1 = [娱乐光环] 管理员设置光晕至 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_CASE2 = [娱乐光环] 管理员 %s 设置光晕至 %s AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_CASE1 = [娱乐光环] 管理员 设置 光晕 至 %s AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_LOG = [娱乐光环] : ^"%s<%s>^" 设置光晕至 ^"%s^" 玩家 AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_LOG = [娱乐光环] : ^"%s<%s>^" 设置光晕至^"%s<%s>^" AMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_MSG = [娱乐光环] 设置光晕至 %s 玩家 AMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_MSG = [娱乐光环] 设置光晕至 %s AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_CASE2 = [娱乐光环] 管理员 %s 移走%s 玩家光晕 AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_CASE1 = [娱乐光环] 管理员移走 %s 玩家光晕 AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_CASE2 = [娱乐光环] 管理员 %s 移走 %s光晕 AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_CASE1 = [娱乐光环] 管理员 移走 %s光晕 AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_LOG = [娱乐光环] : ^"%s<%s>^" 移走 ^"%s^" 玩家光晕 AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_LOG = [娱乐光环] : ^"%s<%s>^" 移走 ^"%s<%s>^"光晕 AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_MSG = [娱乐光环] 移走 %s 玩家光晕 AMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_MSG = [娱乐光环] 移走 %s光晕 AMX_SUPER_TEAM_INVALID = [AMXX]指定的队伍无效,有效的队伍为: T, CT, Auto, Spec AMX_SUPER_TEAM_UNLOCKED = [AMXX] 此 %s 队未被锁! AMX_SUPER_TEAM_UNLOCK = [AMXX] 解锁此 %s 队 AMX_SUPER_TEAM_LOCKED = [AMXX] 此 %s 队已经被锁! AMX_SUPER_TEAM_LOCK = [AMXX] 已锁此 %s 队 AMX_SUPER_UNLOCK_TEAMS_LOG = [AMX_Super] ??: ^"%s<%s>^" 解锁 ^"%s^" 队 AMX_SUPER_LOCK_TEAMS_LOG = [AMX_Super] ??: ^"%s<%s>^" 锁住 ^"%s^" 此队 AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 转移 %s AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员 转移 %s AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] 转移 %s 至 %d x, %d y, %d z AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_ORIGIN_SAVED = [AMXX] 从%s处保留原始点 %d x, %d y, %d z AMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] ??: ^"%s<%s>^" 转移^"%s<%s>^" 至 %d x, %d y, %d z%d z AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER = [AMXX] 成功转移 %s 至 %s 队 AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_TEAM = [AMXX] 你已经被转移至 %s 队 AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] %s已经被转移至 %s 队 AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_ERROR_CASE1 = [AMXX] 你不能在同样的队伍交换玩家! AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_ERROR_CASE2 = [AMXX] 你不能交换不在同队的玩家! AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_SUCCESS = [AMXX] 成功交换%s 和 %s AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_MESSAGE1 = [AMXX] 你被与 %s交换位置 AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_MESSAGE2 = [AMXX] 你被与 %s 交换位置 AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_TEAM_SUCCESS = [AMXX] 成功交换队伍! AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] 队伍交换: ^"%s<%s>^" 交换队伍 AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_LOG = [AMX_Super] 队伍交换: ^"%s<%s>^" 交换了 ^"%s^" 和 ^"%s^" AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] 队伍交换: ^"%s<%s>^"交换 ^"%s^" 至 ^"%s^" 队伍 AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_INVALID = [AMXX] 你只能设置 1 和 0! AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员设置 %s 无限弹药至 %s AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s 设置 %s 无限弹药至 %s AMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] 管理员: 解除 %s无限弹药 AMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] 管理员 %s: 解除 %s无限弹药 AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] 管理员设置 %s 无限弹药至 %s AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] AMMO: 管理员 %s 设置 %s 无限弹药至 %s AMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] 管理员: 解除 %s无限弹药 AMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] [AMXX] 管理员 %s: 解除 %s无限弹药 AMX_SUPER_BOMB_TRANSFER = ^"%s^"^n 拾起了因为 ^"%s^" 停留太久而掉出的雷包。 AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_CASE1 = [重启警告]: %s 服务器将在 %i 后重新启动... AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_CASE2 = [重启警告] %s: %s 服务器将在 %i 秒后重新启动... AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_CONSOLE = 你设置的时间参数错误 (范围1-20秒) AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE_LOG = [AMX_Super] 重启: ^"%s<%i><%s>^" 开始执行 %s AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE = ***** 警告!服务器重启!***** AMX_SUPER_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE_LOG = [AMX_Super] 重启: ^"%s<%s>^" 执行服务器重启! AMX_SUPER_DEADCHAT_MESSAGE = 您已经挂了,你可与队友进行语音通话。 AMX_SUPER_SOUNDFIX = 重复发送您的语音. AMX_SUPER_SOUNDFIX_DISABLED = 重复发送语音已经禁止. AMX_SUPER_TEAM_IMMUNITY = : 玩家 ^"%s^" 因为具有免疫力而被忽略! AMX_SUPER_NO_PLAYERS = 没有找到相关的玩家 AMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER = 所给的数目必须大于0! AMX_SUPER_AFK_SPEC_KICK_CHAT = ": %s 作为观察者,因为服务器人满被自动踢出." AMX_SUPER_AFK_KICK_CHAT = ": %s 因为无所事事太久且服务器人满而被自动踢出." AMX_SUPER_AFK_TO_SPEC_CHAT = ": %s 因为挂机太久而被自动判为观察者."