[en] DMAP_VOTE_IN_PROGRESS = Vote in progress.... DMAP_NO_NOMINATIONS = No maps have been nominated so far, type nominate map_name to nominate a map DMAP_NOMINATED_MAPS = Maps that have been nominated for the next map vote: DMAP_NOMINATIONS_DISABLED = Nominations are currently disabled. Vote will be filled with random maps. DMAP_VOTING_IN_PROGRESS = Voting is currently in progress DMAP_VOTING_OVER = Voting is now over, the next map will be %s DMAP_MAP_NOTFOUND = Map ^"%s^" not found on this server, type listmaps in console for a list of maps DMAP_MAPVOTE_NOT_AVAILABLE = Voting for that map is not currently available on this server DMAP_CANT_NOMINATE_LASTMAP = You cannot nominate a map from the last %d maps played DMAP_EXTEND_MAP = This is map %s, a vote will determine whether or not the map is extended DMAP_ALLOWED_MAPS = You can only nominate certain maps; say ^"listmaps^" to see a listing DMAP_MAX_MAPS_REACHED = You already have nominated more than %d maps!! DMAP_ALREADY_NOMINATED = Map ^"%s^" has already been nominated by %s DMAP_MAX_NOMINATIONS_REACHED = Maximum number of nominations has been reached (%d) DMAP_MAX_CUSTOMMAPS_REACHED = %d custom maps have been nominated so far, no more may be nominated DMAP_REPLACE_PREVIOUS_NOMINATION = Your previous nomination of ^"%s^" has been replaced DMAP_PLAYER_REPLACED_NOMINATION = %s has replaced his nomination of ^"%s^" DMAP_NOMINATION_REPLACED = The previous nomination of ^"%s^" has now been replaced DMAP_NOMINATION_REPLACED2 = %s's nomination of ^"%s^" has now been replaced DMAP_ADD_NOMINATION = Adding %s to map nomination slot %d DMAP_NOMINATED_MAP = %s has nominated map %s, say ^"nominations^" to see a list DMAP_ADMIN_NOMINATED_MAP1 = ADMIN has nominated map %s, say ^"nominations^" to see a list DMAP_ADMIN_NOMINATED_MAP2 = ADMIN <%s> has nominated map %s, say ^"nominations^" to see a list DMAP_VOTING_DISABLED = Voting has been disabled on this server DMAP_RTV_DISABLED = Rockthevote has been disabled on this server DMAP_VOTE_BEGINNING = Voting is in progress or is about to begin DMAP_VOTING_COMPLETED = Voting is complete and players have voted for %s, map will change in %d sec. DMAP_MAP_ALREADY_ROCKED = %s, Voting has been rocked on this map already, it cannot be rocked twice on the same map DMAP_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME = There is not enough time remaining on the map to rockthevote DMAP_NO_TIMELIMIT = You cannot rockthevote, there is no timelimit DMAP_RTV_WAIT = %s, you must wait another %d minutes until you can say ^"rockthevote^" DMAP_RTV_1MIN = Under 1 minute until you may rockthevote DMAP_RTV_ADMIN_FORCE = %s, You have admin privilidges, you may try to use the command dmap_rockthevote, to force a vote DMAP_ALREADY_ROCKED = %s, you already have rocked the vote, you cannot rockit twice! DMAP_RTV_STARTING = Enough people (%d) now have said ^"rockthevote^", so a vote will begin shortly DMAP_RTV_START = Due to %d players Rocking the vote,^n Vote is now rocked^nVoting Will begin shortly DMAP_RTV_NEEDED = %d more players must ^"rockthevote^" to start a vote DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTE_REMAINING = A Vote will occur to choose the next map in %d %s DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTED = Players have voted for %s...Map change is in %d seconds DMAP_CURRENT_MAP = Current map is %s. Voting is in progress for nextmap... DMAP_PLAYER_LEFT = %s has left; %s is no longer nominated DMAP_LISTMAPS = A Complete Map List of %d maps is being displayed in your console DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS = ************ Maps %d - %d: *********** DMAP_LISTMAPS_MORE = Please wait; loading more maps from this server to display in your console... DMAP_LISTMAPS_FINISHED = Finished displaying %d maps in your console. DMAP_SAY_NOMINATIONS = A Vote will occur in %d %s Say ^"nominations^" for a list of nominations. DMAP_TIMELIMIT_CHANGED = Time limit changed to %d To enable vote to occur now DMAP_TIMELIMIT_NOTCHANGED = Unable to change time limit, vote is not rocked DMAP_START_MAPVOTE = Attention: Map Voting will begin in 10 seconds DMAP_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME = Not enough time remaining to rockthevote DMAP_ALREADY_VOTING = Voting is in progress or is about to begin or over or vote has been rocked already. DMAP_ENABLE_VOTEMODE = Cycle Mode is on. To enable Voting Mode, use command dmap_votemode DMAP_VOTE_ROCKED_BY_ADMIN = Vote has been rocked by ADMIN <%s> DMAP_RTV_USED_BY_ADMIN = ADMIN used command ^"amx_rockthevote^" DMAP_REVOTE_BY_ADMIN = ADMIN <%s> is requesting a revote, voting will reoccur shortly DMAP_REVOTE = ADMIN is requesting a revote, voting will reoccur shortly DMAP_MAP_EXTENDED = Due to the vote, Current map will ^nbe extended for the next %.0f minutes DMAP_MAP_EXTENDED2 = Current map will be extended to next %.0f minutes DMAP_IN_SECONDS = in %d seconds DMAP_SHORTLY = shortly DMAP_MAP_WINS = Attention: Map %s wins with %d Votes.^nMap will change at end of this round DMAP_MAP_WINS2 = Attention: Map %s wins with %d Votes.^nMap will change DMAP_DOWNLOAD_CUSTOM_MAP = This is a custom map, you may need to download it! DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL = You can download Custom maps from %s DMAP_CHOOSING_FINISHED = * Choosing finished. The nextmap will be %s DMAP_NEXTMAP = Nextmap: %s DMAP_LAST_ROUND = Last Round DMAP_TIME_LEFT = Time Left^n%d:%02d DMAP_FINISHING_CUR_ROUND = ** Extending time limit to allow players more time to finish the current round ** DMAP_CHOSE_MAPEXTENDING = * %s chose map extending DMAP_CHOSE_MAP = * %s chose %s DMAP_MAP_ABOUT_CHANGE = Map is about to change DMAP_NEXTMAP2 = The next map will be %s DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL2 = **** You can download Custom maps like %s from %s **** DMAP_MAP_CHANGING_IN = Map Changing to %s in %d seconds DMAP_NO_MAPS_NOMINATED = No maps have been nominated, say ^"MAPNAME^" to nominate one DMAP_NOMINATIONS = Nominations so far for the next vote:^n DMAP_MAP_BY = ^n%s by: %s DMAP_AVAILABLE_MAPS = The following maps are available to nominate:^n DMAP_VOTING_IN_15SEC = Map Voting will begin in 15 seconds!! DMAP_VOTING_IN_XSEC = Map Voting will begin in %d seconds DMAP_VOTING_DELAYED = Voting for nextmap delayed to allow buying of weapons... DMAP_POSSIBLE_NOMINATIONS = Nominations for the vote: %d out of %d possible nominations DMAP_RANDOM_MAPSELECTION = Not enough Nominations for map vote, randomly selecting %d additional maps for the vote DMAP_NOMORE_RANDOM_DEFINED = Unable to fill any more voting slots with random maps, none defined in mapchoice.ini/mapcycle.txt/allmaps.txt DMAP_NO_DEFAULTMAPS_FOUND = Unable to fill any more voting slots with random maps, could not find any default maps on the server DMAP_FILLED_RANDOM_MAPS = Filled %d voting slots with random maps DMAP_CS_MENU_TITLE = \rChoose the next map:\w^n^n DMAP_MENU_TITLE = Choose the next map:^n^n DMAP_CS_MENU_CUSTOM = %d. %s \b(Custom)\w DMAP_MENU_CUSTOM = %d. %s (Custom) DMAP_MENU_EXTEND = %d. Extend %s %d min.^n DMAP_MENU_NONE = %d. None DMAP_TIME_TO_CHOOSE = It's time to choose the nextmap... DMAP_MOTD_LOADING = loading motd window on to your computer DMAP_HELP = This Map Management Plugin allows easy nominations of maps for users, DMAP_HELP2 = and gives
the admins much control over the voting process. DMAP_HELP3 =

When in Voting mode, all the players need to do to nominate a map is say the name of it in chat. DMAP_HELP4 =
Usage of dmap_votemode/dmap_cyclemode by admins will either enable voting mode, or cycle mode. DMAP_HELP5 =
When in cycle mode, maps cannot be nominated, and the next map in the mapcycle will be the next map. DMAP_HELP6 =

The last (N) number of maps cannot be voted for. To change this, use dmap_banlastmaps DMAP_HELP7 =
For further help and description of commands, please visit DMAP_HELP8 = the following web page DMAP_HELP9 = Deagles' Map Management Version %s Help DMAP_ADMIN_CANCELLED = ADMIN <%s> cancelled the map vote. DMAP_NO_CURRENT_VOTE = No current map vote to cancel. [cn] DMAP_VOTE_IN_PROGRESS = 投票执行中..... DMAP_NO_NOMINATIONS = 现在还没有地图被提名 DMAP_NOMINATED_MAPS = 下列地图已被提名: DMAP_NOMINATIONS_DISABLED = 提名当前已经屏蔽.投票将更换任意地图。 DMAP_VOTING_IN_PROGRESS = 投票正在执行中... DMAP_VOTING_OVER = 现在执行投票,下张地图将是 %s DMAP_MAP_NOTFOUND = 本服没有这张地图 DMAP_MAPVOTE_NOT_AVAILABLE = 地图不在服务器投票列表中. DMAP_CANT_NOMINATE_LASTMAP = 您不能提名为最后 %d 张地图中的一张地图. DMAP_EXTEND_MAP = 地图 %s,投票确定地图是否是延长 DMAP_ALLOWED_MAPS = 您能只提名某些地图; "输入^ " listmaps^查看目录 DMAP_MAX_MAPS_REACHED = 您选择 %d 地图已经提名了 DMAP_ALREADY_NOMINATED = 地图^"%s^"已被 %s 提名了 DMAP_MAX_NOMINATIONS_REACHED = 提名已达到最大限制(%d) DMAP_MAX_CUSTOMMAPS_REACHED = %d 到目前为止地图被提名了,没有可能被提名 DMAP_REPLACE_PREVIOUS_NOMINATION = 您的^ " %s^ "的先前提名被替换了 DMAP_PLAYER_REPLACED_NOMINATION = %s 替换了他的提名 ^"%s^" DMAP_NOMINATION_REPLACED = ^ " %s^ "的先前提名现在被替换了 DMAP_NOMINATION_REPLACED2 = %s's ^ " %s^ "的提名现在被替换了 DMAP_ADD_NOMINATION = 增加 %s 到地图提名列表 %d DMAP_NOMINATED_MAP = %s 想玩 %s,输入^ " nominations^ "查看名单 DMAP_ADMIN_NOMINATED_MAP1 = 管理员提名了地图 %s,输入^ " nominations^ "查看名单 DMAP_ADMIN_NOMINATED_MAP2 = 管理员提名了地图 %s,输入^ " nominations^ "查看名单 DMAP_VOTING_DISABLED = 投票功能已被服务器取消 DMAP_RTV_DISABLED = 投票功能已被服务器取消 DMAP_VOTE_BEGINNING = 投票执行中或即将开始 DMAP_VOTING_COMPLETED = 投票已确定,并且玩家同意投票 %s,地图在 %d 秒将更换. DMAP_MAP_ALREADY_ROCKED = %s, 投票在同一张地图已经执行了 DMAP_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME = 当前没有足够时间使用投票 DMAP_NO_TIMELIMIT = * 无法使用投票 当前地图没有时间限制 * DMAP_RTV_WAIT = %s,为了防止恶意罐水服务器限制您必须在 %d 分钟后才能使用投票命令 DMAP_RTV_1MIN = 服务器提醒 1分钟后,您可以使用投票命令 DMAP_RTV_ADMIN_FORCE = %s, 您有管理员的权限,您可以使用命令dmap_rockthevote,直接投票 DMAP_ALREADY_ROCKED = %s, 您已经投票,请不要重复使用命令! DMAP_RTV_STARTING = 服务器当前玩家已有(%d)人使用^ " rockthevote^ ",因此投票即将开始 DMAP_RTV_START = 由于 %d 个玩家要求选举更换地图,^n投票即将开始 DMAP_RTV_NEEDED = 还需要 %d 人打rtv才能投票换图 DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTE_REMAINING = 服务器提示 %d %s 后选择开始投票下张地图 DMAP_NEXTMAP_VOTED = 玩家投票确定 %s …地图将在 %d 几秒钟内更换. DMAP_CURRENT_MAP = 现在选择 %s .投票为下张地图过程中... DMAP_PLAYER_LEFT = %s 离开游戏;地图 %d 提名已被取消 DMAP_LISTMAPS = %d 在您的控制台已经显示地图名单 DMAP_LISTMAPS_MAPS = ************ 地图 %d - %d: *********** DMAP_LISTMAPS_MORE = 请等待; 服务器将更多的地图显示在您的控制台 ... DMAP_LISTMAPS_FINISHED = 在您的控制台已显示 %d 地图 . DMAP_SAY_NOMINATIONS = %d %s分钟后开始投票,输入^ " nominations^ "查看提名名单. DMAP_TIMELIMIT_CHANGED = 时间限制已改变 %d 投票选择即将开始 DMAP_TIMELIMIT_NOTCHANGED = 无时间限制,投票无法执行 DMAP_START_MAPVOTE = 服务器提醒大家:地图投票将在10秒后开始 :) DMAP_NOT_ENOUGH_TIME = 没有足够的时间来使用投票命令 DMAP_ALREADY_VOTING = 投票选举中或即将开始或已经完成了选择投票. DMAP_ENABLE_VOTEMODE = 投票换图已经开始,使用命令dmap_votemode DMAP_VOTE_ROCKED_BY_ADMIN = 管理员:%s发起投票 DMAP_RTV_USED_BY_ADMIN = 管理员使用命令^ " amx_rockthevote^ " DMAP_REVOTE_BY_ADMIN = 管理员 <%s> 要求更换地图,投票选择即将开始 DMAP_REVOTE = ADMIN 要求更换地图,投票选择即将开始 DMAP_MAP_EXTENDED = 选择完毕,地图即将延长%0f分钟^n DMAP_MAP_EXTENDED2 = 地图即将延长%0f分钟 DMAP_IN_SECONDS = 在 %d 几秒钟内 DMAP_SHORTLY = DMAP_MAP_WINS = 注意:地图 %s 已有 %d 投票.^n地图在最后时间更换. DMAP_MAP_WINS2 = 注意:地图 %s 已有 %d 投票^n地图即将更换. DMAP_DOWNLOAD_CUSTOM_MAP = 这是一张新地图,您也许需要下载它! DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL = 您能下载从 %s 的新地图 DMAP_CHOOSING_FINISHED = * 投票选择完毕,下张地图将是 %s DMAP_NEXTMAP = 下张地图: %s DMAP_LAST_ROUND = 最后一回合 DMAP_TIME_LEFT = 剩于时间^n%d:%02d DMAP_FINISHING_CUR_ROUND = ** 这是最后一回合** DMAP_CHOSE_MAPEXTENDING = * %s 选择了延长本地图 DMAP_CHOSE_MAP = * 玩家 %s 选择了 %s * DMAP_MAP_ABOUT_CHANGE = 地图即将更换 DMAP_NEXTMAP2 = 下张地图将是:%s DMAP_DOWNLOAD_MAPS_URL2 = **** 您当然可以下载象%s的新地图从%s **** DMAP_MAP_CHANGING_IN = 更换 %s 地图在 %d 几秒钟内. DMAP_NO_MAPS_NOMINATED =*当前没有地图被提名,按Y输入地图名字进行提名* DMAP_NOMINATIONS = 到目前为止被提名的地图:^n DMAP_MAP_BY = ^n%s by: %s DMAP_AVAILABLE_MAPS = 下面地图可以被提名:^n DMAP_VOTING_IN_15SEC = 投票在15秒后开始!! DMAP_VOTING_IN_XSEC = 投票换图将在 %d 内开始 DMAP_VOTING_DELAYED = 投票支持下张地图延迟... DMAP_POSSIBLE_NOMINATIONS = 选择的提名:在 %d 或提名以外的 %d 列表内 DMAP_RANDOM_MAPSELECTION = 没有地图被提名或投票,服务器自动选择%d另外的地图更换 DMAP_NOMORE_RANDOM_DEFINED = 无法选择地图,在mapchoice.ini/mapcycle.txt/allmaps.txt没有填加地图投票列表 DMAP_NO_DEFAULTMAPS_FOUND = 无法找到可选择地图,在服务器上找不到所有地图名单 DMAP_FILLED_RANDOM_MAPS = 服务器自动填加地图 %d 为投票列表 DMAP_CS_MENU_TITLE = \r选择下张地图:\w^n^n DMAP_MENU_TITLE = 选择下张地图:^n^n DMAP_CS_MENU_CUSTOM = %d. %s \b(Custom)\w DMAP_MENU_CUSTOM = %d. %s (Custom) DMAP_MENU_EXTEND = %d. 延长 %s %d 分钟^n DMAP_MENU_NONE = %d. 无 DMAP_TIME_TO_CHOOSE = 是时候选择下张地图了 ... DMAP_MOTD_LOADING = 正在装载您的计算机motd窗口 DMAP_HELP = 管理允许插入地图.用户更容易提名, DMAP_HELP2 = and gives
admins对投票过程的控制. DMAP_HELP3 =

当在投票的方式下,所有玩家需要提名地图. DMAP_HELP4 =
dmap_votemode/dmap_cyclemode用法由管理员将起动投票的方式或者循环方式 . DMAP_HELP5 =
当在循环方式下,地图不可能被提名,并且在mapcycle的地图将是下张地图 . DMAP_HELP6 =

地图的最后(n)数量不可能为投票。 要改变此,使用dmap_banlastmaps DMAP_HELP7 =
对于命令的进一步了解和描述,请参观 DMAP_HELP8 = 以下网页 DMAP_HELP9 = Deagles' 地图管理版本 %s Help DMAP_ADMIN_CANCELLED = 管理员 <%s> 取消了地图投票. DMAP_NO_CURRENT_VOTE = 没有取消.