// String - the localization label for the message to be displayed // Priority - the message's priority. valid values are 0-255 // Duration - The amount of time in seconds to show the message. // KeepOld - If a message of this type is on the screen already, should we just keep the old one or create a new one? // Class - Examine or Normal. Examine messages only show up after looking at the proper class of entity for 0.5 seconds. // Type - Default, FriendDeath, EnemyDeath, Scenario, Buy, Career, Hint, InGameHint (more to come). This determines if a message is played when the player is dead or not. There is also a different sound for each type. (there will be anyways) // Decay - How many times a player will see this message before it stops being displayed. (value of 0 means no decay) Decay only applies to "Normal" class messages. // Lifetime - How long this message will live without being displayed until it is discarded. // DuplicateID - if two messages have these be the same and non-zero they will be treated as if they have the same ID. // Interrupt - Normal, NowDammit. Normal respects minimum display times, NowDammit does not. // MinDurationOverride - The minimum display time for a message becomes the maximum of this override value and the value calculated buy the game. Defaults Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Default Decay 10 Lifetime 5 DuplicateID 0 Interrupt Normal MinDurationOverride 0 MinRepeatInterval 0 End //TutorMessage YOU_FIRED_A_SHOT // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Fired_A_Shot" // Priority 0 // Duration 1 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End TutorMessage YOU_SHOULD_RELOAD String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Should_Reload" Priority 5 Duration 2 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Default Decay 0 Lifetime 2 MinRepeatInterval 5 End TutorMessage YOU_ARE_OUT_OF_AMMO String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Are_Out_Of_Ammo" Priority 31 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Default Decay 0 MinRepeatInterval 10 End TutorMessage YOU_KILLED_A_TEAMMATE String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_A_Teammate" Priority 40 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class FriendDeath Type Default Decay 0 End TutorMessage YOU_KILLED_PLAYER String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Player" Priority 32 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type EnemyDeath Decay 0 End TutorMessage YOU_KILLED_PLAYER_HEADSHOT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Player_Headshot" Priority 32 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type EnemyDeath Decay 0 End TutorMessage YOU_DIED String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Died" Priority 255 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type FriendDeath Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit MinDurationOverride 3 End TutorMessage YOU_DIED_HEADSHOT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Died_Headshot" Priority 255 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type FriendDeath Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit MinDurationOverride 3 End TutorMessage YOU_FELL_TO_YOUR_DEATH String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Fell_To_Your_Death" Priority 255 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type FriendDeath Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit MinDurationOverride 3 End //TutorMessage YOU_WERE_JUST_HURT // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Were_Just_Hurt" // Priority 40 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End TutorMessage YOU_ARE_BLIND_FROM_FLASHBANG String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Are_Blind_From_Flashbang" Priority 50 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Default Decay 5 End TutorMessage YOU_ATTACKED_TEAMMATE String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Attacked_Teammate" Priority 45 Duration 2 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Default Decay 5 End TutorMessage BOMB_PLANTED_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Planted_T" Priority 35 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage BOMB_PLANTED_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Planted_CT" Priority 35 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage LAST_TEAMMATE_KILLED String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Last_Teammate_Killed" Priority 25 Duration 2 Decay 0 Type FriendDeath End TutorMessage TEAMMATE_KILLED_ONE_LEFT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Teammate_Killed_One_Left" Priority 25 Duration 2 Decay 0 Type FriendDeath End TutorMessage TEAMMATE_KILLED String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Teammate_Killed" Priority 25 Duration 2 KeepOld False Class Normal Type FriendDeath Decay 0 End TutorMessage LAST_ENEMY_KILLED String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Last_Enemy_Killed" Priority 25 Duration 2 Decay 0 Type EnemyDeath End TutorMessage ENEMY_KILLED_ONE_LEFT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Enemy_Killed_One_Left" Priority 25 Duration 2 Decay 0 Type EnemyDeath End TutorMessage ENEMY_KILLED String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Enemy_Killed" Priority 25 Duration 2 KeepOld False Class Normal Type EnemyDeath Decay 0 End //TutorMessage YOU_SPAWNED // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Spawned" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Scenario // Decay 10 //End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_FRIEND String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Friend" Priority 2 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Examine Type Default Decay 5 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_ENEMY String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Enemy" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Examine Type Default Decay 5 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_FRIEND_CORPSE String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Friend" Priority 2 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Examine Type Default Decay 5 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_ENEMY_CORPSE String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Enemy" Priority 2 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Examine Type Default Decay 5 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_LOOSE_BOMB_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Loose_Bomb_T" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 10 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_LOOSE_BOMB_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Loose_Bomb_CT" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 10 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_BOMB_CARRIER_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bomb_Carrier_T" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 5 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_BOMB_CARRIER_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bomb_Carrier_CT" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_PLANTED_BOMB_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Planted_Bomb_T" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 10 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_PLANTED_BOMB_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Planted_Bomb_CT" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_ARE_BOMB_CARRIER String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Are_Bomb_Carrier" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 10 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_LOOSE_WEAPON String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Loose_Weapon" Priority 2 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Examine Type Default Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_LOOSE_DEFUSER String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Loose_Defuser" Priority 1 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Examine Type Default Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_BOMBSITE_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_T" Priority 3 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 5 Lifetime 3 MinRepeatInterval 4 End TutorMessage YOU_ARE_IN_BOMBSITE_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_T" Priority 4 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_BOMBSITE_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_CT" Priority 3 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 5 Lifetime 3 MinRepeatInterval 4 End TutorMessage YOU_ARE_IN_BOMBSITE_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_CT" Priority 4 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_BOMBSITE_T_BOMB String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_T_Bomb" Priority 3 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 5 Lifetime 3 MinRepeatInterval 4 End TutorMessage YOU_ARE_IN_BOMBSITE_T_BOMB String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Bombsite_T_Bomb" Priority 4 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_HOSTAGE_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Hostage_T" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 10 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_SEE_HOSTAGE_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_See_Hostage_CT" Priority 3 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 10 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage YOU_USED_HOSTAGE_MORE_LEFT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Used_Hostage_More_Left" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage YOU_USED_HOSTAGE_NO_MORE_LEFT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Used_Hostage_No_More_Left" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End // commented out since we don't have an appropriate string. //TutorMessage ALL_HOSTAGES_FOLLOWING_T // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Following_T" // Priority 30 // Duration 3 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Scenario // Decay 10 //End TutorMessage ALL_HOSTAGES_FOLLOWING_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Following" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage HOSTAGE_RESCUED_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hostage_Rescued_T" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage HOSTAGE_RESCUED_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hostage_Rescued_CT" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage YOU_RESCUED_HOSTAGE String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Rescued_Hostage" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Default Decay 0 End TutorMessage ALL_HOSTAGES_RESCUED_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Rescued_T" Priority 40 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit End TutorMessage ALL_HOSTAGES_RESCUED_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_Rescued_CT" Priority 40 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit End TutorMessage YOU_DAMAGED_HOSTAGE String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Damaged_Hostage" Priority 30 Duration 2 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 10 End TutorMessage YOU_KILLED_HOSTAGE String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Killed_Hostage" Priority 30 Duration 2 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 10 End TutorMessage ALL_HOSTAGES_DEAD String "#Cstrike_Tutor_All_Hostages_dead" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 30 End //TutorMessage YOU_HAVE_BEEN_SHOT_AT // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Have_Been_Shot_At" // Priority 30 // Duration 1 // KeepOld True // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 // Lifetime 1 //End TutorMessage TIME_RUNNING_OUT_DE_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Time_Running_Out_DE_T" Priority 2 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage TIME_RUNNING_OUT_DE_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Time_Running_Out_DE_CT" Priority 2 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage TIME_RUNNING_OUT_CS_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Time_Running_Out_CS_T" Priority 2 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage TIME_RUNNING_OUT_CS_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Time_Running_Out_CS_CT" Priority 2 Duration 1 KeepOld True Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 Lifetime 1 End TutorMessage BOMB_DEFUSED_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Defused_T" Priority 70 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage BOMB_DEFUSED_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Defused_CT" Priority 70 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage DEFUSING_WITHOUT_KIT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Defuse_Without_Kit" Priority 50 Duration 2 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Default Decay 10 End TutorMessage YOU_DEFUSED_BOMB String "#Cstrike_Tutor_You_Defused_Bomb" Priority 70 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage BOMB_EXPLODED_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Exploded_T" Priority 70 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage BOMB_EXPLODED_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Bomb_Exploded_CT" Priority 70 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage ROUND_START_DE_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Start_DE_T" Priority 50 Duration 4 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage ROUND_START_DE_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Start_DE_CT" Priority 50 Duration 4 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage ROUND_START_CS_T String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Start_CS_T" Priority 50 Duration 4 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage ROUND_START_CS_CT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Start_CS_CT" Priority 50 Duration 4 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage ROUND_OVER String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Over" Priority 30 Duration 3 KeepOld Fals Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage ROUND_DRAW String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Round_Draw" Priority 40 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage CT_WIN String "#Cstrike_Tutor_CT_Win" Priority 40 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage T_WIN String "#Cstrike_Tutor_T_Win" Priority 40 Duration 3 KeepOld False Class Normal Type Scenario Decay 0 End TutorMessage DEATH_CAMERA_START String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Death_Camera_Start" Priority 50 Duration 5 KeepOld False Class Normal Type FriendDeath Decay 0 End //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Career Messages //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TutorMessage CAREER_TASK_DONE_MORE_LEFT String "#Career_TaskJustDone" Priority 250 Duration 3 KeepOld False Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Career End TutorMessage CAREER_TASK_DONE_ONE_LEFT String "#Career_TaskJustDoneSingle" Priority 250 Duration 3 KeepOld False Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Career End TutorMessage CAREER_TASK_DONE_ALL_DONE String "#Career_TaskStatusdone" Priority 250 Duration 3 KeepOld False Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Career End //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hint Messages //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TutorMessage HINT_1 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_1" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_2 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_2" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_3 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_3" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_4 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_4" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_5 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_5" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_10 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_10" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_11 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_11" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_12 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_12" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_13 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_13" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_14 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_14" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_15 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_15" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_20 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_20" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_21 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_21" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_22 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_22" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_23 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_23" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_24 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_24" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_25 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_25" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_26 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_26" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_30 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_30" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_31 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_31" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_32 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_32" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_33 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_33" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_34 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_34" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_40 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_40" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_50 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_50" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_51 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_51" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_52 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_52" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_53 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_53" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_60 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_60" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_61 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_61" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_70 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_70" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_71 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_71" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_72 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_72" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End TutorMessage HINT_73 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_73" Priority 5 Duration 5 Decay 5 Type Hint End //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In-Game hint Messages //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TutorMessage INGAME_HINT_1 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_40" Priority 7 Duration 4 Decay 3 Type InGameHint Lifetime 1000 End TutorMessage INGAME_HINT_2 String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Hint_5" Priority 7 Duration 4 Decay 3 Type InGameHint Lifetime 1000 End //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Radio Messages //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //TutorMessage RADIO_COVER_ME // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Cover_Me" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_YOU_TAKE_THE_POINT // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_You_Take_The_Point" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_HOLD_THIS_POSITION // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Hold_This_Position" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_REGROUP_TEAM // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Regroup_Team" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_FOLLOW_ME // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Follow_Me" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_TAKING_FIRE // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Taking_Fire" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_GO_GO_GO // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Go_Go_Go" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_TEAM_FALL_BACK // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Team_Fall_Back" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_STICK_TOGETHER_TEAM // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Stick_Together_Team" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_GET_IN_POSITION_AND_WAIT // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Get_In_Position_And_Wait" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_STORM_THE_FRONT // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Storm_The_Front" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_REPORT_IN_TEAM // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Report_In_Team" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_AFFIRMATIVE // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Affirmative" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_ENEMY_SPOTTED // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Enemy_Spotted" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_NEED_BACKUP // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Need_Backup" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_SECTOR_CLEAR // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Sector_Clear" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_IN_POSITION // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_In_Position" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_REPORTING_IN // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Reporting_In" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_GET_OUT_OF_THERE // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Get_Out_Of_There" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_NEGATIVE // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Negative" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End // //TutorMessage RADIO_ENEMY_DOWN // String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Radio_Enemy_Down" // Priority 10 // Duration 2 // KeepOld False // Class Normal // Type Default // Decay 10 //End //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Buy Messages //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TutorMessage BUY_TIME_BEGIN String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Time_Begin" Priority 206 Duration 100 KeepOld True Class Normal Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Buy MinDurationOverride 100 End TutorMessage BUY_NEED_PRIMARY String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Need_Primary" Priority 200 Duration 5 KeepOld True Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Buy End TutorMessage BUY_NEED_PRIMARY_AMMO String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Need_Primary_Ammo" Priority 201 Duration 5 KeepOld True Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Buy End TutorMessage BUY_NEED_SECONDARY_AMMO String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Need_Secondary_Ammo" Priority 202 Duration 5 KeepOld True Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Buy End TutorMessage BUY_NEED_ARMOR String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Need_Armor" Priority 203 Duration 5 KeepOld True Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Buy End TutorMessage BUY_NEED_DEFUSE_KIT String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Defuse_Kit" Priority 204 Duration 5 KeepOld True Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Buy End TutorMessage BUY_NEED_GRENADE String "#Cstrike_Tutor_Buy_Grenades" Priority 205 Duration 5 KeepOld True Decay 0 Interrupt NowDammit Type Buy End